Saturday, February 19, 2011


We have been lucky enough to have a couple of weekends with really nice weather.  It has been nice for Gavin to be able to get out to play and ride his bike outside.  He got dressed to play outside and when he saw the sprinklers on, he had to run and put on the rainboots.

He is still trying to get the hang of pedaling his "big boy" bike.  He is a little freaked out because his feet don't touch the ground.  He is almost there!

The bike ride didn't last long because when he passes the sprinklers, he cannot resist

Don't remember exactly what he was telling us, but it looks pretty important,  He holds his hand up like this a lot when he is talking to us

So sad that nice weather is gone now, but I love the rain too!  Hope everyone stays warm and dry this weekend.

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