Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I don't know where the time has gone this past month, but Christmas is here and I can't believe it!  With the shopping, decorating, baking, and all the fun stuff in between, the time just slipped right by.  It has been a lot of fun this year because Gavin has really enjoyed every part of the holidays and it makes things pretty exciting around here!

Our 2011 Family ornament

Gavin has been checking this every morning to see what his elf, Slinky, has brought him
This is Gavin's new Polar Express train that we got to go around the tree.  He has been so excited for this train and cannot get enough of it.  Usually he only lets it go around the track a couple of times because he doesn't want to waste power.  We have watched the Polar Express movie more times than I can count in the past month and I love it!  

We baked a lot of cookies, but these are the ones that I cannot get enough of this year!

I have had a helper in the kitchen lately.  He usually doesn't like to get his hands dirty, but he didn't mind if it was to make cookies.  He only likes chocolate chip cookies and a couple of other specific sweets, so he did all of this work and didn't want to eat any!

This is his favorite part

He decorated a gingerbread house . . . 

Gavin had a Christmas performance at school.  He told us ahead of time that he was not going to do any of the cute moves, he was just going to sing the words.  That is exactly what he did.  I was so proud of him for getting up on stage in front of all of those people and singing.  

After the performance

Aren't they so cute???

Then we took them to see Santa because they were all dressed up and it was still early enough to beat the lines.  We were the first ones there.  Gavin was all about Santa as long as Taylor was standing right next to him.  He did take one by himself, but I have to upload it from their website so that will come later

One of his new ornaments

We hope everyone had a very Merry Chrsitmas!!

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Ashley said...
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