Sunday, August 17, 2008


We have been patiently waiting for Gavin's umbilical cord to fall off and his circumcision to heal so we could give him a real bath and it finally happened! We got to give him his first real bath in his baby bathtub last night and I think he liked it . . . until we got him out and he got really cold.

Nate did the washing so I could take pictures and videotape him. He did a good job!

Once Gavin was in the warm bath, he was very relaxed and almost went to sleep

Gavin was cold and not happy when we took him out of the warm water. I think he was freezing

He is all cozy after his bath

These are a couple of other pictures I took this week. This is one of the first outfits I bought for Gavin when I found out I was having a boy and I have been waiting to put it on him. I love his little butt!

Me and my sweet baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can tell by how he's crying..def was circumcised which is sad